RedBull 20th Budha Subba Gold Cup
RedBull 20th Budha Subba Gold Cup
2018-02-10 | Dharan Stadium | Played | Referee: Kabin Byanjakar
Attendance: 5000
FULL TIME. 10-man Three Star Club beats 10-man Nepal Police Club 1-0 to win the title.
Bishnu Gurung IN, Buddha Chemjong OUT - TSC.
Four minutes of added time.
Martins charges the ball out of the frame.
Free kick to Three Star Club. Looks like Ajayi Martins is in problem.
Corner kick to TSC, Ranjit Dhimal takes the kick , good one, Ananta goes for header but it goes out of the target.
Hand ball, freekick to Three Star Club.
Substitution for NPC. Prezen Tamang substitutes Buddha Lama.
Another good clearance from Ananta Tamang.
Ten minutes remaining, Three Star Club 1 Nepal Police Club 0.
Ball drops in front of Tej Tamang, Ajayi Martins clears the ball.
Corner kick to NPC, Tej Tamang curls the ball, Ananta Tamang clears the threat.
Martins is caught OFFSIDE.
Substitution for NPC. Ram Wajee IN, Nir Kumar Rai OUT.
Martins looks injured. Medical team enters the field.
NPC are pressing hard for an equalizer but they are failing to score goal.
Thirty minutes remaining, Three Star Club are leading 1-0 against NPC. Can NPC come back to the game?
Ten minutes into second half, Three Star Club are 1-0 up against NPC.
Both teams are playing agressive game.
Second half begins.
Yellow card to Bishwash Shrestha.
HALF TIME. Three Star Club are 1-0 up against Nepal Police Club.
GOALLLLL!!! Ajayi Martins provides lead to Three Star Club. Three Star Club are 1-0 up!
Yellow card to Buddha Lama for a foul.
Free kick to TSC, Ranjit Dhimal kicks the ball too above the cross bar.
Yellow card to NPC goalie Shatrughan Chaudhary for foul to Ajayi Martins. He looks seriously injured. Stretcher boys are called inside the field. Martins gets up, looks like he can continue.
Huge nine minutes of added time.
Free kick to Three Star Club.
Five minutes to go for half time break.
Martins looks fine now.
Martins goes down after colliding with opponent player. He looks injured.
Ajit Bhandari shoots the ball straight to the hands of TSC goalie Alan Neupane.
Ajit Bhandari shoots the ball straight to the hands of TSC goalie Alan Neupane.
Match resumes.
Both teams look aggresive.
Ananta Tamang enters field in place of injured Bikram Lama.
It looks like Bikram Lama has his leg fractured. He is rushed to hospital in an ambulance.
Hem Tamang of NPC is also red carded. NPC are reduced to 10-man.
Peter Segun is red carded. TSC are down to 10-man.
TSC players look aggresive. Players are involved in heated conversation. Match referee separates them.
Bikram Lama looks seriously injured.
Yellow card to Tej Tamang for foul to Bikram Lama.
Sunil Bal's shot on target flies too above the bar.
Bishwas Shrestha is injured. He is stretchered off.
Ten minutes gone, both teams are goalless.
Kabin Byanjankar is the referee of the match.
Bishwas Shrestha fouls on Tej Tamang, free kick to NPC.
PEEP! Match gets underway.
FIFA anthem echoes. Players are entering the field.
Both teams are lining up. They are ready to enter the pitch.
Warm up session is over.
Stars are in blue kit whereas NPC are in red.
Ruslan TSC: Alan Neupane, Bijay Dhimal, Ranjit Dhimal, Peter Segun, Bikram Lama, Nirajan Khadka, Sunil Bal, Bishwas Shrestha, Ajayi Martins, Lawal, Buddha Chemjong
NPC: Suman Lama, Nir Kumar Rai, Ravi Paswan, Rejin Subba, Hem Tamang (C), Tej Tamang, Santosh Hemroon, Ajit Bhandari, Dinesh Rajbanshi, Shatrughan Chaudhary, Buddha Lama
Ananta Tamang is not starting in first XI. He is injured.
Both teams are warming up.

Which team are you rooting for today? You must be excited for today's match. Remember you can watch this match live on GoalNepal FB page and also get match updates on your cell phone. SMS goal to 35001.
Both teams have arrived at the venue. They will start warm up soon.
Hello and Namaskar. Welcome to you all from Dharan. Today is the final match.