Nepal Super League 2021
Nepal Super League 2021
2021-05-08 | Dasharath Stadium | Played
Lalitpur City FC
Aanjan Bista ( 36' ),
Bimaal Rana ( 63' ),
Aanjan Bista ( 81' ),
Nurlan Novruzov ( 90+6' ),
Attendance: 0

FULL TIME. BCFC are out from NSL. LCFC confirms play-offs.
GOAL! Nurlan scores for LCFC.
12 minutes of added time.
Second yellow card for Bijaya Dhimal. He is sent off.
GOAL! Anjan Bista makes it 3-0 for Lakhey. Good header on a cross from Kamal Shrestha.
Bijaya Dhimal is yellow carded for a foul to Bimal Rana.
Full of drama and action packed match. LCFC are 1-0 up.
Pedro Manzi pushes Nurlan, little tense moment here. Bijaya Dhimal and Anjan Bista also involve in a heated conversation. Referee controls the situation.
Pedro Manzi was lone player from BCFC who didn't leave the field. That's true sportsmanship.
Match is resumed after a brief halt.
Match is still halted. BCFC officials are protesting against the decision. This is sheer lowest level of sportsmanship from Biratnagar.
Hmm, BCFC players have left the ground in protest !
GOAL! LCFC are 2-0 up. Bimal Rana scores utilizing a pass from Anjan Bista.
Long ranger from Anjan Bista, straight to the hands of goalie Kishor Giri.
Goalie Arpan Karki looks injured. Medical attention is needed.
Sunil Bal is challenged, penalty is not given, BCFC officials seem furious.
Arik Bista from LCFC is yellow carded for a foul.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. LCFC are 1-0 up. Stick with us for second half action.

Five minutes of added time.
Five minutes remaining for a break. Lakhey are 1-0 up.
GOAL! What a lovely half volley, Anjan Bista scores for Lakhey.
Suraj Thakuri from BCFC is yellow carded for a foul to Dona Thapa.
Niraj Basnet is yellow carded for a foul.
Bimal Rana IN, Vilim OUT - LCFC
Free kick to BCFC. Rejin Dhimal curves the ball about the bar. Chance is wasted.
Which team do you think will score first ? Any guesses?
20 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
Corner kick to BCFC, not that proper one from Sunil Bal.
Lovely passing moment here, skipper Anjan Bista gives a pass to Nurlan, great save from goalie Kishor Giri.
Mistake from Arpan Karki but Adeleja fails to direct the ball into the post.
Sunil Khadka looks injured, medical attention is required.
10 mins gone, both teams are goalless.
Both teams are trying to settle down on the pitch first.
Free kick to BCFC, they tried to play tactical free kick move but failed to do so.
Lakhey are in white, Purbeli are in red shirt. Kabin Byanjankar is the man in-charge.
We are 15 mins away from KO. Which team are you supporting today?
Both teams have arrived at the stadium and are warming up for the match.
Hello and Namaste. Welcome to you all from Dasharath stadium. This must be a cracker !