Province 1 ANFA's Honorary Exco Member Rupesh Adhikari Steps In To Support Samikchya Magar; His Club Donates Nrs 25,000

ANFA's honorary exco member Rupesh Adhikari has stepped in to provide much needed support to ailing Samikchya Magar.

Women football player from Belaka municipality, Udayapur has lost her eye in a freak accident.

Samikchya Magar, a player from Belaka Municipality, sustained an eye injury on Baisakh 12 while doing house chores. She is now at Biratnagar eye hospital awaiting eye surgery.

Adhikari, who is the president of Birat Shangrilla Sporting Club, immediately announced Nrs 25,000 to the player soon after learning the tragic news.

Club secretary Kashi Parajuli and treasurer Dipen Thapa jointly handed over the money to player's father at Biratnagar eye hospital on Friday.

"It's our duty and responsibility to support our players who are in need", said Adhikari.

GoalNepal has already announced NRs 10,000 to the player.

For more details, please contact:

Coach Bhagwati Rana Magar

You can donate money through online in coach Magar's account:

Bhagawati Rana Magar
Prabhu Bank
Dharan Branch
A/C No: 02201100323680000001

Day 1:

GoalNepal: Nrs 10,000

Birat Shangrilla Sporting Club: Nrs 25,000

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