Renowned defender of the national football team, Dinesh Rajbanshi, who recently made his way to Australia, is poised to make a triumphant return to Nepal for his participation in the upcoming second season of the Nepal Super League (NSL). Dinesh has inked a deal with Pokhara Thunders, who have designated him as their iconic player.
Upon his arrival in Australia, Dinesh Rajbanshi, currently plying his trade with the Yeti Football Club down under, is preparing to don the jersey of Pokhara Thunders as they gear up for the highly anticipated Nepal Super League, set to kick off on the 24th of November.
It's worth noting that Dinesh previously showcased his skills while representing Dhangadhi in the inaugural edition of the Super League.
Notably, Dinesh Rajwanshi is not the sole player opting to return to Nepal for the NSL. Bimal Gharti Magar and Ashish Lama, both members of the Nepal national football team, have also committed to participating in the second season of the Nepal Super League.
Bimal Gharti Magar has earned the distinction of being recognized as an iconic player for FC Chitwan, while Ashish Lama will carry the same honor for Lumbini Football Club.
Anticipation is building that additional members of the national football team currently abroad in Australia may choose to make a homecoming for the Nepal Super League.