News Is All Nepal Players Association Just A Tool For ANFA Voting ?

Player Komal Khawas is seeking support from all in treatment of his better half. His better half is suffering from spinal injury that needs long rehab treatment.

Some players from Morang district have already united to raise money for Khawas. His club, Bansbari club is also raising some money.

Meanwhile, Pathari sporting club has raised Nrs 71,500 for Khawas. Referee Bickey Karki is also separetely raising money for him.

ANFA, the governing body in Nepal, hasn't paid any interest so far though it has social responsibility department. They also have players welfare fund but it has never been used.

Sadly, the players association has never been active and is just a "voting" tool for the ANFA leaderships. Former Nepal international Rajesh Manandhar is the president of the association.

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