News Australia: Raj Sharma Elected The President Of Yeti FC

Raj Sharma has been elected the president of Yeti FC, Australia.

Sharma was elected the president in the AGM held in Melbourne recently.

The club has thanked outgoing president Mr. Bam Gurung and his team for the hardwork and dedication shown towards the club.

The new committee is as follows:

President - Raj Sharma
Vice President - Prabesh KC
Vice President - Anamika Rai (first female Vice President)
Secretary - Bharat Rana
Joint Secretary - Bisan Gurung
Treasurer - Hari Gurung
Joint Treasurer - Ashim Panta
Executive Committee: Bam Gurung (IPP), Kalu Tamu, Karna Rana, SK Maskey, Prachan Shrestha, Kun Karki, Dips Gurung, Sajjan Sharma & Nirajan Gurung.

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