News Martyr's Memorial A Division League Kicking Off Today; Nepal Army Vs NRT Today

Finally the wait is over.

Martyr's memorial A Division league is kicking off today at ANFA complex after a hiatus of five years.

Erstwhile leaderships failed to organize the A Division league for so many years.

New leadership under the helm of Karma Tsering Sherpa wrote off every criticism to make it happen.

Nepal Army is playing against NRT in the opening match.

There are 14 teams in the league, which doesn't have relegation system. But last two teams will get less preparation money and their points will be deducted for next league.

ANFA is planning a rousing pre-match event at the complex.

You can watch the match LIVE on AP1 TV and Mycujoo, an online TV platform.

GoalNepal is always there to present you updates, commentary, pics and video.

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