News Five Real Changes You Have Seen In National Team After AA Takeover 


Things have definitely changed in Nepal national camp after AFC pro licensed coach, Abdullah Almutairi has taken over the charges.

Coach AA is a professional & no non-sense coach, who wants to change the future of Nepalese football with his new approaches.

Here are the first hand changes he made in the team:

Selection On The Basis Of Meritocracy
Absolutely. He has selected the team on the basis of meritocracy. He has set that standard in the selection process. One thing is very important, he doesn't want injured (even slightly injured) player in the team. Previous coaches used to select such players, promising them pain-killer injection before the match. Now that is not the case. If you are not fit, you are not in the team.

Digital Discipline Among The Players 

Aww, this is very important change we have seen in the team now. Players have become digitally disciplined. They are not posting random things like they used to. They are posting very few and relevant content, which is good to see.

Food & Dress 

Coach AA is focusing on good food for the players. He is strictly urging players to eat a lot of protein (with good selection of food). And he has made the players stylish, for sure. (Have you seen the pics of the team landing at Basrah Airport? :)

Confidence Level Of The Team 

The confidence level among the players has rocketed. The young players are motivated. This is because coach AA is grooming the players with regular classes and "we can also do it" attitude.

One Unit
The team has now become one unit. Previously, team was divided by the region, by the ranks and by the choices. But that is not the case now. This is one team from breakfast time to bed time.

Nepal is playing against Iraq on May 29 and the coach AA believes that his charges will give their best but has urged the fans not to expect too much as he is preparing the team for future.

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