A Division League 2021
A Division League 2021
2021-11-22 | Dasharath Stadium | Played | Referee: -
Attendance: 0
FULL TIME. MFC wins the match 2-1. What a lovely match.
GOAL! Sunil Bal scores utilizing a cross from Sujal Shrestha. MFC are 2-1 up.
Sunil Bal's goal is flagged offside. MFC Players are not happy.
Good match is going on. MFC 1 NRT 1. 30 mins left on the clock.
Manish Dangi IN, Nurlan OUT - MFC
This is how Arik scored
GOAL! NRT levels the score. ARIK BISTA.
Five minutes into the break. MFC are 1-0 up.
Second half starts..
HALF TIME. MFC are 1-0 up. Stick with us for second half action.
Yellow card to Andreas Nia (MFC)
Good cross from the flank, MFC goalie Bishal Shrestha saves the ball.
Foul. Rejin Dhimal is yellow carded. Free kick to NRT. Poorly taken.
Corner kick to MFC. Rejin Dhimal takes the kick. Another corner kick. Ball goes out.
NRT GK Ajit Prajapati looks injured. Medical attention is required.
30 mins gone, MFC 1 NRT 0.
NRT coach Raju Kaji Shakya and MFC coach Prabesh Katuwal are in touch line.
20 mins gone, MFC are 1-0 up. Lovely match is on-going.
Devendra Tamang takes the kick but not clinical one.
Biyik Biyik is yellow carded for a foul - NRT
Good start from MFC. They look solid team. They are on a mission to defend the league title.
Lovely pass is fed to Sunil Bal to the right. GOAL! What a finish. MFC are 1-0 up.
The match has a pace. Should be an interesting match. Which team are you rooting for ?
Sad part is that the condition of the field is bad in just first round matches.
Lovely turn out here at the stadium.
20 minutes to go. Lovely turnout here at the stadium.
Both teams are now warming up for the match.
Hello and welcome to you all from Dasharath stadium.