ANFA Goalie Kiran Chemjong Joins #BreakTheChain Campaign

Nepal international, Kiran Chemjong has joined AFC's #BreakTheChain campaign to raise awareness about COVID pandemic.

Speaking with AFC Chemjong said, "Let's work together to break the chain and help stop the spread of virus. Lets take all effort to wash our hands regularly and maintain social distancing.

"Please stay at home if your country has asked to do so. I ask all of you to stand by our health care and medical professionals, our true heroes during this tough time. We are together. Let's do our best to ensure that our families and loved ones are healthy. We can start right now by doing our part to break the chain", said Chemjong.

The public awareness campaign on the COVID-19 epidemic, which continues to receive overwhelming support from close to 140 players and officials, reiterates the call for unity in these unprecedented times and promotes the guidelines and best practices put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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